Our Values

Respect – we model and teach respect for nature, for self, for others and for all living things.

Play – we value children’s play as their essential work. Play is hands-on learning in action!  It is rich and complex. Children’s play is how children figure out how the world works. It is the space in which children explore and expand their curiosity, creativity, observation, problem-solving skills, as well as persistence and resilience in the face of challenge. Play also affords them the time and space they need to develop their relationship with self, with others and with the natural world.

Collaboration – we value collaboration as fundamental to community-building. Collaboration creates an environment that promotes inclusion, communication, divergent thinking and each individual’s ability to watch-out for self and others. We all want to ‘belong’ and collaboration is where ‘belonging’ starts. Collaboration creates a community of learners who all ‘belong’ and who are positioned to grow into their best selves; aware of self and responsive/open to the needs and ideas of others and the needs of all living thing. 

Making Choices – we value offering children opportunities to make choices, from an array of appropriate activities. Making choices is both empowering and grows judgement, self-confidence and an ability to listen to, and trust, our own inner voices.  We accept that life always involves risks. We also trust children and know they need practice making appropriate choices to grow their judgment and confidence in ascertaining appropriate risks and self-selecting activities that advance their interests, needs, and learning.


“I had never hiked before. Now I love hiking!”

— Ninette, a 13-year-old, after taking her first hike.